Pieces of Inspiration #3


The third part of the Pieces of Inspiration series is finally here! Obviously these are very personal posts, as I write all the quotes about my own thoughts, emotions and experiences. But this blog is exactly for sharing these things, for sharing a bit of my life, and I hope that this will help some of you. Enjoy!

Instagram: @patriciavisz

“If you ever feel hopeless, know that one day is enough to change everything. Change can happen when you least expect it. Believe me. Believe that one day, it will happen.”

“Surround yourself with people who love you, support you and believe in you. It might take a while to find them, but it will be worth the wait. You might have to be alone for a bit, but when it’s the right time the people who belong in your life will come. And stay.”

Instagram: @patriciavisz

 “The best things always happen when you finally decide to take a step out of your comfort zone. I know it is terrifying. But it is definitely worth it. Be brave, be confident, be you!”

“A true best friend will never hurt you, judge you, or make you cry. A true best friend will accept you for who you are, love you with your imperfections and help you through the hardest times. They are not meant to make your life any more difficult. They are meant to make it better, and this is why you must choose your friends carefully. If you give more than what you get, eventually you will end up being empty.”

Instagram: @patriciavisz

“And after a couple of years, you will realise that some people will never change. They will always stay the way that they are. And every time you start to have hope, they will crash it over and over again. Some people will only disappoint you. And it’s not worth it.”

“Don’t wait for support from other people. The only person whose support you need to achieve your dreams is YOU.”

“Be nice to those who are nice to you. Spread love with every word you say, appreciate every smile you get in response. There is more than enough negativity in the world, and you have to do everything you can to make a change, however small it is.”